What time is it? Let’s see I get up at 4:30 to shower so that I can enjoy 30-60 minutes of “me” time, which often means falling back asleep, or working out, or reading, or checking email, …you get the picture.
Then its time to get the kids ready and deliver them safely and well fed to school (with maybe enough time to grab a coffee before the first meeting of the day).
Then you see the email from the school, asking for volunteers to help with some classroom event, at 10:15am. What?

I love getting emails about playgroups and fun, free activities that happen Tuesday at 10:15am… Said no working mom EVER.
“I love getting emails about playgrounds and fun, free activities that happen Tuesday at 10:15am… Said no working mom EVER.”
While I appreciate that some parents have the flexibility in their work lives, and SAHM/SAHDs can often drop things to help out, most working parents, and especially mom with a heightened awareness of taking time away from the office for her kids simply feel left out.
My volunteering at school has been consistently the same – I volunteer to chaperon field trips. I get to hang with my kid, do/see something fun, meet their classmates, meet a few parents, and it is all accomplished in a SINGLE DAY!
I get it, school schedules are tough, most are 6 hours in the middle of a workday. All I’m asking for is a little early heads up. With a little planning, my work has always offered the flexibility to take time, even midday. Is it convenient – never. But it can be done.
All parents want the opportunity to support their child’s education. Some do it with homework help, some volunteer in the classroom, some volunteer to do projects at home, or make things for Teacher Appreciation Week. We just ask for equal opportunity and recognition for the effort we are making on top of our full-time jobs.